Clinical Studies Enrollment Extended Till January 25, 2025

Trusted by Leading-Edge Clinical Research Organizations

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In Just 4 Simple Steps

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Answer some quick questions to help our system find the clinical studies suited to you, in your region.

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Our algorithm will match you with the clinical studies that are in your area or are being conducted online.

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Earn Up To $3000*

Review the clinical studies available in your region & select the one that matches your needs & offers

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  • Up To $3000 Compensation

Attend Intake Appointment

To be eligible for the clinical study and to earn the free care and compensation, you MUST attend your intake appointment.

  • Attend your intake appointment

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Omni Clinical made it easy to locate and enroll in a clinical trial in my area. Connecting with a doctor was simple. Receiving payment for my participation was also a benefit!


Further Clinical Research & Get Paid Up To $3000*

Clinical trial participants help researchers, scientists & medical professionals create or improve treatment options that help millions of people around the world, while also getting compensated for the noble cause.

On average, a clinical trial participant can earn up to $3000 per study. Our proprietary system analyzes hundreds of clinical studies open for enrollment in your area / or online to ensure you are matched with the right study.

  • Approved & Vetted Clinical Studies
  • Backed By Top Health & Research Institutes
  • Available Online / Or In Your Driving Vicinity
  • Competitive Compensation For Participants
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials look to uncover the causes and treatment methods regarding various medical conditions and diseases. The typical goals of a trial can include understanding prevention, early detection and/or treatment methods. Introductory drugs and combinations of current drugs, or medical procedures may be involved, while ensuring these are safe and effective for humans. Ultimately, these studies help researchers to discover better treatments and offer hope to improving the quality of life for individuals with acute or chronic conditions.

Why do individuals participate in clinical trials?

Participation in clinical trials can be for various personal reasons. In many instances, participating individuals are looking to access leading-edge research and treatment methods for conditions that they experience. Other individuals simply want to assist with the identifications and cures so they or a family member may benefit in the future.

What are the benefits from participation in a clinical trial?

Benefits are specific to the individual involved. The common reported benefits are access to specialists, care, and leading-edge treatment innovations.

Where will the clinical trials be performed?

Entering the participant’s home zip code during the enrollment process allows the Omni Clinical solution to identify both remote trials and those that may be within their local area, usually within 25 miles. In some instance, a trail may take place a further distance. The participant should decide if distance is a key criterion. Note: Some trials may reimburse for additional travel expenses, so this should be asked.

Will there be compensation offered for participating in a clinical trial?

Clinical trials do typically offer compensation to individuals who participate within their trials. Compensations vary by study. Compensation can be set dollar amounts per participant, and/or time and travel expense reimbursements. Most all trials also provided no-cost study-related care (including labs) and medications during the clinical trial period. Specific compensation details are provided to participants prior to being accepted into the trails. Note: Medical insurance is not required to participate.

Will the participant’s current healthcare be affected?

No. During the clinical trial period, the participant will continue to visit their primary care doctor as normal for health issues not related to the clinical trial. The participant’s primary care doctor will receive updates on the participant’s progress. In some cases, the participant’s doctor many be directly involved with the trial.

What about current medications being taken?

In most cases, the clinical trial will not require a participant to stop or replace any of their current medications. In all cases, current medications will be reviewed by the clinical trial staff. Any changes will be discussed with the participant’s prescribing doctor.

What should an individual know before participating in a clinical trial?

Individuals may have several questions regarding the participation in a clinical trial, especially if never having experienced the process previously. Information such as: What is the purpose of the trial? -- How will the clinical trial be conducted? -- What is expected from the participant? -- How long will the trial last? are just a few. Individuals considering participating in trails will have the opportunity to discuss these and other questions with the staff conducting the specific clinical trials.
To learn more about clinical trials and the rights of participants, please visit the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website at and search for "clinical trials".

How safe are clinical trials

Clinical trials must adhere to strict rules and regulations established and monitored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). NIH is responsible for biomedical and public health studies, while FDA is responsible for new medications. Clinical staff members associated with the specific trials will discuss the procedures and benefits/risks prior to any participant agreeing to partake within a trial.

Is a participant’s information kept private and confidential?

Participant personal data is strictly confidential and secure. More information can be found within the Privacy Policy Statement found on this site. In addition, privacy policy statements specific to the individual clinical trial will also be available with the trial.

How long does a clinical trial usually last?

Each clinical trial can vary depending on the actual study or program, ranging from a few weeks to multiple years. The duration of the specific trial will be discussed as part of the participation enrollment process.

What happens if a participant needs to or desires to leave a clinical trial?

Any individual looking to no longer participate within a trial should always consult with the clinical trials staff and their primary care doctor before leaving.

What happens at the end of a clinical trial?

Each clinical trial ending can vary based on the specific trial. In most all trials, the collected data is reviewed and analyzed by the organizations requesting and conducting the trial. The results are typically published within associated medical journals and other media resources. Study results found to offer safe and effective benefits are often shared as new practices/medications, as appropriate.

How can I learn about upcoming trails?

New clinical trials are always being announced. Individuals can continue to visit this site on regular basis, entering their local zip code, where appropriate trials will then be displayed. In addition, individuals can receive messages from Omni Clinical auto-notifying them of new available trials matching the participant’s needs.

Where can an individual lean more about clinical trials?

Individuals can learn more about clinical trials and an individual’s rights as a participant in a clinical trial by visiting and searching "clinical trials".

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